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On Tuesday, October 22, 2018, CMS announced that they would expand the QIC Demonstration into DME MAC Jurisdictions A and B. Effective on or after November 1, 2018, the DME QIC will offer telephone discussions and/or reopenings to DME suppliers within DME MAC Jurisdictions A and B for all DME claim types, except claims for glucose/diabetic testing strip supplies and claims or suppliers that are already involved in another CMS initiative (e.g., Prior Authorization for Power Mobility Devices (PMDs), Settlement Conference Facilitation (SCF), etc.). If selected and offered a telephone discussion, supplier participation remains voluntary under the expanded Demonstration. Current Demonstration activities conducted within DME MAC Jurisdictions C and D will continue as is (i.e., all DME claims types will remain eligible for telephone discussions and/or reopenings and the exclusion of glucose/diabetic testing strip supplies does not apply). For more information on the telephone demonstration or reopening project, visit the DME QIC's website at https://www.c2cinc.com/Telephone-Demonstration.