February 4, 2022 On February 1, 2022, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on their website that they had obtained more than $5.6 billion in settlements and judgments from civil cases involving fraud and false claims against the government in the fiscal year ending... September 18, 2018 We all know this one - use different passwords and switch them up periodically. While this is a helpful tip to avoid being hacked, there are some questions you may still have on cybersecurity. Luckily, BANK offers a few answers to your existing questions.
Question:... August 20, 2018 So you think you’re all set for your first day of classes. Backpack, books, IPad and smartphone in hand - you think you have everything you need for success this semester. However, learning proper cybersecurity habits are just as important to your... May 24, 2018 It’s that time of year for the highly anticipated or dreaded, Spring Cleaning! While you may be noticing the cobwebs in your ceiling corners as you begin writing your cleaning checklist, it’s just as important to clean out the digital cobwebs... April 3, 2018 No age group is immune to scams. It can happen to any age group, income level and gender. Scammers are no respecter to persons when it comes to getting your money. However, seniors should be protective of their finances, as they are more likely to have... December 21, 2017 Whether you are traveling for work or pleasure, the last thing you want to battle with is having your cyber-security compromised. If knowledge is power, BANK has created a list of potential threats to your private information and steps to prevent damage... November 11, 2017 Odds are you’re probably reading this blog post on your cell phone, which you found through an app on your smartphone and then used it to get directions to BANK. Seventy-seven percent of Americans now own a smartphone and use it on a daily basis.... September 18, 2017 Are you concerned about the Equifax breach? See the FAQs below to learn more about the breach and how to protect yourself.
I’ve been hearing about the breach in the news. What exactly happened?
One of the three major credit card bureaus,... December 8, 2015
Cyber Monday kicked off the season of holiday spending, racking up over $3 billion for retailers. Online shopping helps you avoid the madhouse of in-store purchasing and saves you a trip out into the cold, but it also puts you at heightened risk... October 26, 2015
Ghosts and goblins are spooky, but know what really sends chills down the spine? Cyberattacks. Last year, nearly one million computer viruses and malicious software pieces were unleashed each day. October is Cyber Security Month,...