Bank information must be applicable for all four jurisdictions. The Part III Financial Institution Information listed on the EFT Authorization Agreement Form (CMS-588) must be the same for all jurisdictions, regardless of the supplier’s physical address.
EFT Authorization Agreement Forms (CMS-588) received by the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) MACs (DME MACs) between August 21, 2023, through November 19, 2023, will be forwarded to the correct NPE contractor. EFT Authorization Agreement Forms (CMS-588) received by the DME MAC on or after November 20, 2023, will be rejected and returned to the supplier.
EFT Inquiries
Effective August 21, 2023, suppliers must contact the appropriate NPE contractor for all inquiries related to EFTs. This includes questions about all other EFT correspondence sent to suppliers by the DME MACs or the NPE contractors, status of EFT requests, and changes in EFT information.
This is supported by 42 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 424.510 – Requirements for enrolling in the Medicare program:
(e) Providers and suppliers must -
(1) Agree to receive Medicare payment via EFT at the time of enrollment, revalidation, change of Medicare contractors where the provider or supplier was already receiving payments via EFT or submission of an enrollment change request; and
(2) Submit the EFT Authorization Agreement Form (CMS-588) to receive Medicare payment via EFT.
The enrollment contractors will notify you when you must transition from paper checks to EFT.
NPE Contact Information:
NPE East Contractor (NPEAST): Novitas Solutions, Inc.
PO Box 3704
Mechanicsburg PA 17055-1863
Telephone 866-520-5193 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET
NPE West Contractor (NPWEST): Palmetto GBA
PO Box 100142
Columbia SC 29202-3142
Telephone 866-238-9652 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. ET
DME Provider Enrollment
Posted: July 26, 2023 by van Halem Group
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