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Performant, the national home health, hospice, and DMEPOS recovery audit contractor (RAC), added two new items to their CMS approved audit issues list. Both are identified as complex reviews, meaning providers that bill these services could be subject to ADR letters for postpayment review. See details below. 

Wearable Automatic External Defibrillators: Medical Necessity and Documentation Requirements

DATES SERVICE: Exclude from review claims having a “claim paid date” which is more than 3 years prior to the ADR date, and Dates of Service prior to January 1, 2020.
DESCRIPTION: This review will determine if a Wearable Automatic External Defibrillator is reasonable and necessary for the patient’s condition based on the documentation in the medical record. 
AFFECTED CODES: K0606, K0607, K0608, K0609

Medical Supplies Billed from Consolidated Billing List During a Home Health Episode: Unbundling

DATES SERVICE: Algorithm excludes claims that have a “claim paid date” which is more than 3 years prior to the Informational Letter date (automated review).
DESCRIPTION: All Medical Supplies Billed from Consolidated Billing List billed after the admit date of a patient to Home Health services and before the discharge date of a patient from Home Health services or any claims billed after the admit date of a patient to Home Health services and null discharge date (when patient status code is equal to 30), are inclusive to Home Health services. 
AFFECTED CODES: Consolidated Billing Master Supply List - non-routine supply codes, found here: https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service- payment/HomeHealthPPS/coding_billing.html   

Need help responding to RAC audits? Let our team help! 

The van Halem Group’s team of experts are available for audit review and response. Our team can assist your organization by reviewing the files prior to submission, noting potential issues and providing recommendations as needed. In addition to reviewing files, our team can submit ADRs via esMD, which includes tracking capabilities, providing assurance that audit responses are received timely and in their entirety. In the event the audit results in an overpayment, our appeals experts will work to counter each denial and keep your money in-house. Contact us today for more information.